Thursday, September 29, 2005
So Damn Cute!
Jane and John, stittin' in a tree
Making public policy.
First goes fags,
Choice is not encouraged
Cuz God comes first and science is disparaged.
Monday, September 26, 2005
The Conservation President!?
Gee Dub wants us to conserve fuel. Not that I am against that. My little VW Golf gets 35 MPG and I am lucky to put 600 miles a month on the thing. I ride my bike most anywhere I need to go, but the president of oil telling us to conserve? We are told we need to conserve while the Oil companies have, for the third year in a row, turned the highest profits in their history. That's not unlike your boss telling you to be a more efficient worker so that he can increase his profits, but you aren't going to see a raise. Does it make sense to work hard to help the rich get richer? Sure, I'd go out of my way to help my family or my friends, but fuck the oil industry. Yes, conserve. Yes, drive less. NO, don't do it to help those assholes make a bigger profit. Why isn't he calling for them to cut their ever-bloating profit margins?
"Since January 2002, stocks of major oil companies have gained 88 percent; during that period the Standard and Poor's 500 index has gained less than half as much" (John W. Schoen, Senior Producer @ MSNBC. July 21, 2005.
I can't say that $3 a gallon gas prices bug me too much, but the hypocrisy of that smug bastard telling me to conserve and overlooking the fact that his exorbitantly rich cronies are stuffing their pockets with his help. . . Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or Texas as the case may be.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Crack Pot Theories
The folks prescribing to these nutty logical fallacies are the same types of people that are gung-ho about religion. I guess people need something to believe in, anything, and the crazier the better.
Last night I heard, presented to me with a straight face, "Linda Tripp is a member of Delta Force." Have you ever seen her? Hmmm. "It is true, there is proof," I was assured. Hmmmm.
Yes, I can believe that Bush, Rove and Rumsfeld are the three horsemen of the apocalypse but come on, Linda Tripp a member of Delta Force?
My favorite conspiracy theories:
-Fluoride is a mind control agent (good teeth=good manners?)
-The Illuminati run the world (they had me at hello)
-We all evolved out of reptilian proto-humans (dinosaurs?)
-Hitler and Jesus are still alive and living in Brazil (presumably not together)
-Aliens are from the future trying to revive their race (its a shallow gene pool)
And I thought a virgin birth was some crazy shit. You have to ask yourself, "Do people have bullshit detectors?"
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Gee Dub and the Head Banger's Ball
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Merits of Knowing
We, as a whole, believe that if you work hard enough and do good things you will be recognized and succeed. Tonight I was, once again, reminded how wrong that is. It isn't what you know, it is who you know. The poor folks don't have a chance because they don't know anyone other than a bunch more poor folk. This explains why, after 40 years of hard labor my dad retired to social security rather than the fat checks he deserves based on the hours of work and dedication he poured into the various lines of work he did to make ends meet for our family.
Tonight I was offered a job, not because I performed outstanding work or because I merited the offer. No, I was offered a job because I know somebody that works at the company and I bought the right person a drink. I got fucked up on cheap beer and shots and that is my reward. How sick is that? I'm at a bar sipping a moosehead and that lands me a job offer, while those poor shmoes on the welfare line aren't trying hard enough to get work in the estimation of our republican administration. If it weren't for the fact that I am a poor white piece of trash at the heart, I would probably think, as does gee Dub, that I deserve what I was offered rather than I was offered something because of who I bought a drink for.
Better Late Than Never?
"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government, and to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility." Gee Dub Sept 13, 05
When someone is so uninformed about the state of things how can they accept responsibility for them? Does he even know what he is accepting responsibility for? This is the same guy patting "Brownie" on the back and handing out the Medal of Freedom to the likes of George Tenet. How is that accepting responsibility? I guess we will see when Trent Lott's home is rebuilt and the hundreds of thousands of displaced poor are still roaming through temporary housing where the buck really stops.
To Late To Be Here
I went to a colloquium with Paul Trembath presenting on Deleuze's idea of speed. Basically I walked away with an understanding that metaphor and cliche provide means of speedy understanding but in the worst possible ways.
I abstract that to anything the current administration feeds us. They have a lot of quick answers presented in the manner of one trite morsel after another, but all they are doing is giving us the illusion that we know what they are saying. The vast majority of Americans are too busy to take a slow approach to what is being said. We assume we understand the meaning behind the words when in fact we are seeing the smoke and mirrors of a well rehearsed illusionist.
Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!
The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...
Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter One of the other hunters said that Cheney is an "excellent, conscientious shot." Doesn...
What Kerry said was true, and you'd have to be a rich, out of touch, elite to argue with it. As a former member of the US Army I can tel...