Thursday, December 22, 2005

Cop Shop

Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

New York Cops Spur on the Crowds

In our "democratic" society you would think that there would be some kind of legal recourse against the police enticing riots and nefarious acts. . . Oh yeah the Patriot Act shot that one down. Way to go US government, protecting freedom once again.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Georgie, Are You Yellow?

Dear George:

I have long considered you a worthless waste of body tissue. Every week you simply confirm my assessment. You hide behind your frat boy buddies because you are a coward. You date rape the country and giggle about it. You seem to think the United States constitution is one big vagina for you to poke with your tiny appendage. You have killed innocent people with the disregard of a poorly played chess match. You piss on the poor and tell them you have their best interests at heart. Your cronies are walking around with gold-lined pockets while you glad hand them. You have stolen, lied, cheated and murdered. We are not better off today than we were 6 years ago and I hold you personally responsible. There is not a single redeeming bone in your pathetic carcass.

Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the rest of the extremists . . . they are part and parcel of your brand of fundamentalism, take a look in the mirror. Sadaam Hussein is an insane tyrant . . . you are too. No wonder you wanted him out so badly, he was in direct competition with you. Freedom? Democracy? Screw you and your empty words. At best you are a bully, the truth is that you are a dictator of the worst sort; disguising your actions behind "the best interests of the country."

So, I want to extend an invitation to a good old fashion ass whuppin'; Mano a mano. Bring that Dick you call a VP as well. The two of you might get a few cheap shots in, that is what you two are best at, but I have the motivation to break every one of the bones in your bodies. I am not going to kill you. What I will promise you is a maiming beyond the pale. We can have a cage match, an open ring, hell we can do this in the parking lot behind my apartment. The point is that you are way overdue for a beat down and I am calling you out.

Most sincerely,

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ergo Propter Hoc

The local NPR station reported yesterday that a recent study found most students are not ready for college course work. As a result these students have to take remedial classes. Since I work in the university environment this came as no real shock. What got me worked up was one of the assumptions the study made. There are less impoverished students in university remedial programs. In fact the study found that students from lower socio-economic groups seldom need as much remedial help as their wealthier counterparts. This, the study said, was proof that poorer secondary schools don't need more funding since these students are doing so well.

Ok kids, here is a good lesson in the type of faulty logic that perpetuates the myth that the poor are doing just fine and can raise themselves up by their own bootstraps. Consider the following:

1. Poor folk can't afford to go to college, so if they do make it to the university it is because they got there on a merit scholarship or because they know they can succeed. It isn't because their rich daddy is paying for their stupid ass to go to school.

2. There is a considerably smaller population of lower Socio-economic groups in the University setting so of course there would be a smaller number of them in remedial courses.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Use Your Imagination

Why will I never be a creative writer?
I just don't have it in me. I went to the local Albertsons to get some red wine vinegar for a borscht I was making. I picked up a few other necessities but it was the vinegar that caught the purchase process in a new season of weirdness. The guy carded me. Seriously. I was carded for red wine vinegar. Strange at best, who is going to drink that stuff? It would taste nasty even if there wasn't a mess load of salt in it. But, apparently, kids buy it to get drunk. I asked the guy about it and he said there is a whole list of things they have to card for these days; even duct tape. "Ok, duct tape I can kind of understand," I said. I was recalling the scene from The Breakfast Club where Anthony Michael Hall is talking about how his friend had his ass cheeks taped together. Ok, I get that kids and duct tape don't mix. But, I was way off base. The guy explained that kids peel off the duct tape and huff the fumes. What?!? Really! WHAT???

Pot isn't that hard to get. Beer is even easier. They are both cheaper than a roll of duct tape. But I guess I just have no imagination.

Here's to the next generation.
Hunter S. had nothing on you. You guys are going to be the best writers ever.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Poor Little White Boys

Welcome to the Sydney Race Riots, 2005

Bustin' Heads

You just have to feel sorry for white folk the world over. They come in and jack up countries. They colonialize, rape and pillage. But, just when they think they have things under control colored folk move in next door and make life difficult. The whites don't /want/ to riot, but they /have/ to. What choice do they have? If they don't stop the tide of immigrants who will? Welcome to Cronulla beach, Sydney Australia.

Disaffected youth? Nope, a bunch of privileged, white, assholes drinking beer on the beach. Bored stiff. . . or maybe limp.

Monday, December 05, 2005

No Child (in the World) Left Behind

Queen Latifah is peddling Wal-Mart, Gene Simmons is peddling beer, and the Pakistani government is peddling GeeDub.

Power of Poets

I thought I was a bad poet. Seriously, I have the proof to back up that claim.
How in the world could a poem as bad as that get written? How in the world could a poem as bad as that get into a textbook? Coincidence I am sure. The Lincoln Group was not involved! It had nothing to do with the US Military buying news coverage.

Bush Speaks Pt 2

Bush speak 101;

Hey kids, try this at home... Insert any supid two-word description in the first paranthesis, reverse it in the second

We are (blog writers) because thats what we do,
we (write blogs).

Now you are talking like the prez.

Thanks to Spent Jr for the inspiration and the Hamms hangover.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Water You Doing Later?

There hasn't been any water on my block for the better part of today.
Oh the agony!
So thirsty...
So stinky...
I guess I am going to have to brush my teeth with beer, again. I thought I killed that with my youthful indiscretions. Here's to resurrecting the dead.

Is this a conspiracy? Were bottled water sales down in my neighborhood?

Anyone want to let me shower at their house? I promise not to shed too much.

Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...