Maybe it is my age, or the amount of alcohol I consume/d, but I forget things a lot. I'll pick up a book I haven't read for a couple of years and suddenly remember how much I liked it. I go out with friends (a rare occasion these days with thesis work taking most of my time) and I realize how much they mean to me.
This last weekend I remembered music. I got the chance to see, not one, but two really good shows in a single weekend. The last show I saw was back in, what? September or maybe even August? Friday Night the Matson Jones had their CD release and then Sunday the Living Blue played the 15th Street Tavern. It was really great to see live bands again. The musicians were having a good time, the crowd was having a good time and in the end I realized how insular I have become writing my thesis. Damn, I miss getting out and doing all the stuff I love to do. Good thing I can't remember what those things are, I guess.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Doubling the Standards
Ok, just so I have this straight; Bush will not support a Chinese energy company that tries to take over an American company but he will support a company based out of the Dubai that will run many major American ports. I wonder why he would do that. Oil money you say? nah that would be ridiculous. I bet it is something else.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Olympic Drug Testing

We need to monitor our athletes better. They are apparently consuming large quantities of mind altering drugs along with their performance enhancing ones.
Joey Cheek is case in point. He, obviously, took some serious drugs before his news conference last night.
U.S. Gold Medalist Donates Award to Darfur Refugees
He could have got some killer new tights with all that cash. Maybe had a few hookers and some drinks with Bode Miller. Now what?!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Good Shootin' Tex

Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter
One of the other hunters said that Cheney is an "excellent, conscientious shot."
Doesn't sound like much of an accident if that is the case.
Leading by Example
Violence breeds violence. Psychologists say that children from abusive homes are, close to 80%, more likely to carry on a legacy of abuse when they have children.
Violent Crime Rising Sharply
American culture is one of violence. However, its source doesn't come from the "media," or video games. Violence is taught to us by our leaders. Politicians hide behind fingers, outstretched toward non-entities that have no corporeal form while all the while misappropriating funds for the poor and underrepresented in our country as a means to subsidize wars and corporate/political malfeasance.
If you wonder why people are killing each other over seemingly meaningless things take a look at what our government supports. Unjustified wars, aggressive political tactics; a basic lack of regard for human life. Is it any wonder that the people oppressed by such tyrannical leaders reflect them so perfectly? Oh, but lets not look there.
It's just those dregs of society raising a ruckus again. Maybe when we rid our country of all the minorities, and gays and those wily, disagreeable women too; the rest of us white privileged men can rest easy in a land of true opportunity, devoid of crime and serviced by the hottest bunch of FHM models ever. Raise your can of Bud with me fella's! Let's imagine a perfect world where Nascar rules and GeeDub reigns forever.
Violent Crime Rising Sharply
American culture is one of violence. However, its source doesn't come from the "media," or video games. Violence is taught to us by our leaders. Politicians hide behind fingers, outstretched toward non-entities that have no corporeal form while all the while misappropriating funds for the poor and underrepresented in our country as a means to subsidize wars and corporate/political malfeasance.
If you wonder why people are killing each other over seemingly meaningless things take a look at what our government supports. Unjustified wars, aggressive political tactics; a basic lack of regard for human life. Is it any wonder that the people oppressed by such tyrannical leaders reflect them so perfectly? Oh, but lets not look there.
It's just those dregs of society raising a ruckus again. Maybe when we rid our country of all the minorities, and gays and those wily, disagreeable women too; the rest of us white privileged men can rest easy in a land of true opportunity, devoid of crime and serviced by the hottest bunch of FHM models ever. Raise your can of Bud with me fella's! Let's imagine a perfect world where Nascar rules and GeeDub reigns forever.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Bush Saves Lives
Welcome to GeeDub's current campaign. He has been screwing us left and right but since people are starting to get pissy about it he is coming back telling us what a great big hero he was by thwarting a supposed "attack on LA." As a matter of fact it was his illegal wire-taps that lead to the thwarting of the attack on LA. See what great foresight he had? Geez, will his greatness ever stop!??
Bush details Qaeda plot to hit LA
Hey do you remember that one time that I saved your life? Oh... yeah... probably not because I never told you. I was a real hero. I saved your life and you should thank me for it. You would have thanked me at the time if I had told you but I never did because I am not much on bragging. However, I think you need to know what a great big hero I am, so I am telling you now. This has nothing to do with the fact that I have been using you as a punching bag, or stealing from you, or killing your family members or spying on you, or any of that. No, I'm not trying to make myself look good, I just figured now would be a great time for you to know how terrific I am.
I guess since we know what a big hero he is all that other stuff doesn't matter.
Bush details Qaeda plot to hit LA
Hey do you remember that one time that I saved your life? Oh... yeah... probably not because I never told you. I was a real hero. I saved your life and you should thank me for it. You would have thanked me at the time if I had told you but I never did because I am not much on bragging. However, I think you need to know what a great big hero I am, so I am telling you now. This has nothing to do with the fact that I have been using you as a punching bag, or stealing from you, or killing your family members or spying on you, or any of that. No, I'm not trying to make myself look good, I just figured now would be a great time for you to know how terrific I am.
I guess since we know what a big hero he is all that other stuff doesn't matter.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Well, He Almost Graduated
"George Deutsch, the appointee at NASA who called for limiting reporters' access to a top climate scientist and told a Web designer to add the word "theory" at every mention of the Big Bang, resigned Tuesday."
A Young Bush Appointee Resigns His Post at NASA
What, can this be? Another unqualified Bush appointee? No! I don't believe it! It must be the liberal media blowing things out of proportion again. Saying you have a degree from a major University is the same as actually doing the work and getting it, right?
Apparently finding qualified shills is getting harder for the administration than they thought it was going to be. Of course it did take how long before anybody at all in the media began to question the infallible word of GeeDub's appointed?
A Young Bush Appointee Resigns His Post at NASA
What, can this be? Another unqualified Bush appointee? No! I don't believe it! It must be the liberal media blowing things out of proportion again. Saying you have a degree from a major University is the same as actually doing the work and getting it, right?
Apparently finding qualified shills is getting harder for the administration than they thought it was going to be. Of course it did take how long before anybody at all in the media began to question the infallible word of GeeDub's appointed?
Monday, February 06, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Leave Questions at the Door
I have a hyper-sensitivity to Christianity. I am sure it comes from my upbringing. I can peg hidden religious agendas in bands, books, political rhetoric etc, with surprising accuracy. A friend of mine calls this Hyper-sensitivity my Fundamentalist Radar. My Fun-dar went off when I saw the preview for the movie "End of a Spear," now I know why. Not only is it evangelical propaganda it is also, totally gay!
Evangelical Filmmakers Criticized for Hiring Gay Actor
I love the quote:
"Many evangelicals are concerned that young people inspired by the movie will look up Mr. Allen on the Web and 'get exposed to his views on homosexuality, and that would cause some of them to question Biblical views of homosexuality and every other sin.'"
Yes, it is dire that we do not let young people have the opportunity to question. ANYTHING!
Evangelical Filmmakers Criticized for Hiring Gay Actor
I love the quote:
"Many evangelicals are concerned that young people inspired by the movie will look up Mr. Allen on the Web and 'get exposed to his views on homosexuality, and that would cause some of them to question Biblical views of homosexuality and every other sin.'"
Yes, it is dire that we do not let young people have the opportunity to question. ANYTHING!
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Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!
The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...
Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter One of the other hunters said that Cheney is an "excellent, conscientious shot." Doesn...
What Kerry said was true, and you'd have to be a rich, out of touch, elite to argue with it. As a former member of the US Army I can tel...