There has been so much going on lately that I have been pretty far behind on things outside of work and moving. Here's the recap outside of Jews and Arabs fighting, Jews and Mel Gibson fighting, and pretty much anybody with half a non-alcohol addled brain cell fighting Mel Gibson.
Jenn and I got our new place despite a series of frustrations. Our place is in an apartment complex that has break points based on how much you earn. We don't make much so we filled out all the paperwork and they said we qualified for a reduced price structure. SCORE! But, at 6:00pm the day before we moved the girl (and I emphasize girl because I think she is 17 maybe 18 max) called me on my cell and asked me to resend the paperwork because it wasn't complete. How the hell was I even supposed to get the paperwork? It wasn't like I hadn't already packed up my apartment. She said we wouldn't be able to move in until that was resubmitted. So, I had her email the paperwork and went to kinkos and got everything returned to her. Then at 10:00 am the day we are suppose to move in, as I am trying to load up the trailer, she called again and said that there was some more paperwork that she had forgot about that I had to file or we couldn't move in. . .
Nothin' doing! I kindly told her where she could stick it. It should be noted that Jenn and I filled out the initial paperwork three weeks before we were set to move in and she waited until the night before to check everything out. She even had the temerity to blame me saying that I should have noticed that I hadn't filled everything out properly. A quick conversation with her manager and we were back on track and hauling things into the new apartment. When we moved in we paid for the last ten days of July and for the month of August in advance. August 6th Jenn and I rolled back into town after a weekend visiting family and there was a notice stuck to the door saying that since we had not paid our rent that we now owed double our rent plus legal recovery fees or we were going to be evicted. Bastards! We had to track down the money order receipt from my bank to prove that we had paid. This is a really nice little apartment but it is too bad the management sucks.
On a different note I started work last Monday at an air charter company. It is not bad work outside of having to deal with scheduling trips for the uber rich. These folks are plopping down more money on single trips than I make in an entire year. Something is wrong in the world when people have so much money to burn that they can justify 30K on a day trip to Monterey to play a round of golf. Seriously! I scheduled a trip for just that purpose last week.
I need to give some public apologies to people that I neglected but feel hella guilty about.
Mindy, Happy Birthday!
Matt, Happy Birthday!
Joe and Jill, Happy Anniversary!
Eric, Happy Birthday!
I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you all on your respective days. Damn I already miss being close to you guys. That's it! I'm moving back. . . OK, Jenn says I have to suck it up and be a man, But I do miss everyone.