Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Don't You Get It, I Don't Want it!
Bush warns Iraqis that patience has limits (headline from Reuters)
Bush starts a war to force the Iraqi people into democracy. They quite obviously were, and are not interested, but Bush wants to "stay the course." Now he is getting pissed at them(stupid freedom haters!)because they are not treating his big favor with due regard?
Did your parents ever buy you something that you really didn't want but they thought would give you responsibility? Let's say, a goldfish when you really wanted a dog or a super cool Gila monster. Your dad kept telling you that you better take things seriously and that goldfish had better not die. It was, after all, your responsibility.
"Screw that friggin' goldfish! Nobody asked me what I wanted."
When the goldfish started getting sick and swimming on its side your dad began to beat you about the head and neck telling you that if you ever wanted to be an adult you were going to have to step up and be responsible. That goldfish was expensive and you were supposed to treat it with respect.
"Screw that friggin GOLDFISH!!"
Friday, October 20, 2006
Valuing Non-Minority Families
Another Republican trying to make illegal immigration a cornerstone of his agenda, wrote a letter to the Greeley CO newspaper to question the immigration status of several members of an Hispanic family that died after a car accident last week.
The family is here legally, and all of the victims were American citizens. The driver was licensed (although inexperienced and only 17) and was insured through the state of Colorado. But, because they have a last name that sounds "Mexican" this dickhead assumes they are here illegally and are going to be a burden on our healthcare system. So, he writes a letter to the newspaper calling for an investigation into their status. Now, when it is found out that the grieving family is legal, he refuses to apologize saying the question he raised was "legitimate."
Excuse me? Legitimate!??? How is calling for an investigation into the legal status of a family that just lost three children legitimate? Is that what Republican officials are passing off as family values these days. When it comes to valuing life I guess we know who gets the greater value.
If you feel the need:
David C Schultheis
PO Box 49282
Colorado Springs, CO
Current: Colorado State Rep. district 14
Candidate: Colorado State Senate District 9
Thursday, October 19, 2006
...Cake and Eat Me too!
Tom Tancredo more than just looks the part of a clown, he is one. This jackass is offended because he says it isn't fair to English speaking children that non-English speaking children are put in an extra half day of school before kindergarten to help get them up to speed on the language he says should be mandatory for all of them to speak. I'll slow it down a bit.
A. This anal probe (Tancredo) wants to make English the official language in the US.
B. Said probe wants no funding to help people that don't speak English learn how to speak English.
C. Mr Probe further thinks it is unfair to spend any time at all to help those students because it takes away time from the students he thinks need it more… English speaking kids.
I happen to know my ABCs as do jerks like Tancredo, Rick O'Donnell, Marilyn Musgrave and Bob Beauprez but they want to use the ABCs as a gate to filter out people that don't know the English ABCs while simultaneous restricting those people's ability to learn them at all. These rich jerk wads (and they all happen to be white English speakers) run our country and tell us that if we try hard enough we can all succeed just like their daddies' did; but then they pass laws that restrict the people's ability to try.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A Bite on the Ass
The principal of the school was a bit of a bully himself so he figured the best way to nip the drug problem in the bud would be to suspend the bully. He would use the most noticeable kid as an example. So, the principal planted a few joints in the bully's locker. Low and behold a surprise drug search landed the principal in front of the bully's locker and the bully got suspended.
Meanwhile a few people found out that the principal had planted the drugs and as he vigorously defended his actions, as a way to stop the drug problem before it got worse, the crazy kid built a meth lab in the basement of the school. The principal was so busy making up new and creative lies and distractions to cover up his initial actions that the meth lab went largely ignored. It wasn't that the principal didn't know that the lab was being built it was just that if he brought it up he would have looked like the fool and so it was easier to ignore it and deal with the problem when nobody was looking. Maybe it would just go away. The crazy kid would have to graduate eventually, right?
One day the crazy kid got a bit anxious to make a profit and turned up the production. In his rush he overcooked some chemicals and blew the school all to hell. The entire school went up in smoke killing almost 2% of the student body and destroying the building. But that principal, he stuck by his guns; defending his actions even as bits of the school rained down on innocent bystanders. He should have been looking at the real threat but instead he made a bigger problem by fabricating something rather than going after what really mattered.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Equal Judgement?
"I believe that the world is inherently a very dangerous place, and that things that are now very good can go bad very quickly. . . and I am reminded that it is the quality of leaders, the ability to solve problems that enables us to continue until our children and our grandchildren have this freedom, this safety. . . I realized the gap between our civilization, our prosperity, our freedoms is the quality of our leaders, [and their] willingness to face facts."
It is amazing to me to hear him say now that the republican leadership knew about Foley's proclivities but couldn't do anything about it for fear of "gay bashing" (Oct. 1, 2006, edition of "FOX News Sunday). Now that is some quality leadership there.
Lets see, first of all Gingrich ties pedophiles with homosexuals. Wow good leap there and a common conservative tactic that is a non-sequitur if not a bold face lie. As I recall there has been no less than 5 separate cases of teachers having sex with underage students across the US in the last year. None were homosexual in nature. The majority of sexually predators on the Internet are heterosexual. . . So, how would reprimanding Foley have been gay bashing? Secondly, and really most importantly, why in the world would you protect anybody, gay, straight or mindfully ambiguous of an obvious offense of this nature?
Where is that quality leadership that good 'ol Newt talked about just a few months prior? This is the man that vigorously pursued the impeachment of Clinton for a sex act with an adult, but he calls for "prudence" when talking about disciplining someone enticing minors to have sex!?
"Ahhh, it's good to be the king!"
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