Sunday, August 23, 2009

No Tact

Jenn and I just got a call from someone inviting us to their kid’s 3rd birthday party.

On first glance cool! Ahh but wait!

They didn’t just want us to come to celebrate the kid’s birthday they wanted us to bring gifts; but not just any gifts – they registered for gifts.

What the F^@k!?

What does a 3 year old need or is really going to remember that requires registering? Parents; that’s about it. They sure as hell don’t need a $300 inflatable bouncy toy from FAO Schwarz that their greedy ass mom and dad want them to have to outshine the Jones’ next door.

If they want their kids to have gold plated Thomas the Tank Engine toys they need to go out and get it themselves not expect the rest of us to support their sense of narcissistic entitlement.

What’s next? Am I going to get an invitation to their spoiled kid’s back to school party where I am asked to bring book bags, pencils and 500 dollar outfits to bolster that fragile little ego so her cheap ass parents don’t have to do anything but sit back and rake in the goods?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jerks on Patrol

How are you being anything other than a huge asshole by showing up outside a presidential event carrying a gun?

If the event is about health care and has nothing to do with gun control or the NRA what point would you be trying to make?

These halfwit twirps are basically doing the sibling taunt. . . “I’m not touching you! Hey! Hey! I’m not touching you. I’m still not touching you. . .” Except with guns; “I’m still not shooting you!”

Have we really reached the point where there is no decorum or common sense anymore?

Guns over Arizona

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Calling the Kettle White

I am not one to buy into conspiracy theories but here is one I can wrap my head around: The ultra nationalist conservatives and Fundies (read - Limbaugh fans and watchers of Fox news)have organized a concerted effort to deify Bush in order to make the last 8 years look like anything other than a complete disaster.

Cheney says that Bush stopped taking his advice during the second term. Since Cheney is 3rd in line for biggest jerk in the world he is taking a similar stance to Bill Clinton when Gore was running for president. He distances himself to make the other guy look better. Less guilt by less association. In the end a poor leader is still a poor leader no matter how many times the real man in charge says he isn’t.

And since I am still wound up about moronic behavior: Since when is yelling at people a constructive form of argument or debate? Maybe we don’t need as much health care reform as we need education reform, because we sure seem to have a lot of numbskulls in the US.

"It's Amurhi-kkk-a muther f^@&er, not Comunissmika"

I really have no response to that!

Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...