Monday, November 07, 2005


I'm gonna have to call BS!
A guy from Boulder says he was super glued to a toilet seat. So, now he is suing Home Depot.

  • Ahh The ol' Toilet Seat Trick, Eh?

  • Has anyone beside me poured super glue on a toilet seat? I did it on a couple of occasions my freshman year in the dorms. That stuff doesn't stay liquid for more than a minute when it is exposed to air. If he didn't see the person that came out of the stall before him then there is no way that Mr. Sniffles didn't do it himself.

    The thing is, you know he is going to get some kind of crazy cash settlement out of it. Why the hell don't I think of these things? I'd gladly let some dudes carry me out the front door of Home Depot, on a toilet, pants hanging about my ankles, for a quick few dollars. I'm in college. . . I'd probably let them do it for free if they'd let me post the pictures on my website and bought me a beer.


    Anonymous said...

    Looks like that cash may not be coming through so quickly for him...

    DirtE said...

    "The lawsuit claims he suffered pain, humiliation and financial loss. It seeks $3 million." But it's not about the money. It's about the American dream and home ownership.

    Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

    The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...