First, the thesis stuff. My advisor told me she can't read what I don't give her. Duly noted! I have spent hours on my lit review chapter over the last week and seem to have gotten nowhere. I started with around 30 pages and by the time I did a "light edit" I was down to 18. I did another edit and added some stuff; it got even slimmer. How does that happen? I keep adding bits and pieces but all it seems to do is make things less intelligible. I'm back up to 22 pages, but help us all if I throw another edit on it; wailing and gnashing of teeth will insue.
The Thumb? Tasty! It hurts but in a "loose tooth" kind of way. I can tell the nail is peeling away from the base since all the black Ork-blood is starting to ooze out. It is just a matter of time before I find a bloody thumb nail stuck to the side of my face when I wake up. Close your eyes if you don't like a rainbow of color. It looks better in person but here's a taste of the good stuff.

For what its worth I hear it is best to chew your breakfast at least twice anyway.
xoxo Dirt
Now that is truly disgusting!
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