GOP Congressman Mark Foley resigned yesterday after being caught with his pants down. Although he was the chairman of the House caucus on missing and exploited children he was carrying on sexually explicit IM conversations with an underage page.
Mr. Foley was a vocal advocate for legislation to convict sexual Internet predators. Me thinks he did protest too much. Oops!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006

I don't know who the marketing genius is that set up the cable TV programming here but, uh, WOW!
I was skimming the channels the other morning and there was a pretty disturbing hunting program on one of the 20 stations we get with basic cable. Now, I grew up hunting and I am not averse to it, but to have a station devoted to slow motion replays of deer getting shot or birds being transformed into a daffy duck joke, replete with gently floating feathers, just seems wrong. So, as I am drifting in and out of consciousness, recovering from the graveyard shift I work on the weekends, I kept seeing various hunting shows on the same channel.
I was amused enough to regale Jenn with my finding when she got home. However, despite my best efforts I couldn't find the station. She lightly accused me of hallucinating but the next morning I saw it again. I swear to F'n Gawd. I saw an advertisement for an illuminated arrow that promised to help people track "that trophy buck" they just impaled.
This time I made a careful effort to remember which station it was on. When Jenn got home I sat her down to take a look at the absurdity I had discovered. Here's the conversation:
Jenn: "what?"
Dirt: "wait for it"
Jenn: "uh, huh. Sweetie, I am really busy. I have to grade thirty six papers by Wednesday."
Dirt: "wait for it. . ."
Jenn: "what am I waiting for? It's a tampon commercial."
Dirt: "well, yeah but in a minute you are going to see some crazy shit that even Ted Nuggent would blush at."
- - -commercial ends and a movie starts- - -
Jenn: "seriously honey, it's the Birdcage have you never seen the Birdcage?"
Dirt: "well, no, but I swear this is the hunting channel I was telling you about."
Jenn: "It's Bravo, sweetie."
Sure enough it was Bravo. Here is where the marketing genius comes into play. Apparently there isn't enough programming available to make Bravo a 24 hour channel this close to Colorado Springs and Focus on the Family so they split air time with the testosterone channel. Twelve hours of killing Bambi and then twelve hours of Killer fashion tips. Talk about your bizarro worlds. How did they sell that one to their boss?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The Devil in the White House
Hugo Chavez called Geedub "the Devil." Is it true you might ask? Could the president of this here United States actually be ol' Scratch; Beelzebub; Satan; Lucifer himself? Let's take a look.
The Bible often refers to people as Satan or the Devil.
The enemies of King Solomon were called Satan
King David was described as the "Satan" of the Philistines
Jesus called Peter "Satan" when Peter contradicted him
Jesus called Judas "Devil" before Judas betrayed him
Paul warns people reading his epistles not to be "Devils" or slanderers.
The Bible says the Devil:
Is a deceiver: GW has no problem deceiving the American people on any number of issues from his alcohol and cocaine abuse in his "youth" (mid 40's and early 50's) to illegal wire-taps and torture facilities. This Administration fabricated evidence that led American's to belive that a war was necessary.
Deceiver? - Check
Is the eroder of nations: Despite his talk, Afghanistan, Iraq, and even the United States is weaker as a result of his perpetual warmongering.
Eroder? - Check
Is violent: Jesus was quoted as saying "The kingdom. . . suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." Bush's 1% policy and pre-emptive strikes against any country that could possible pose a threat at any time in any conceivable future is pretty forceful.
Violent? - Check
Is an Accuser and Slanderer: Geedub and this administration, are consistently accusing anyone that doesn't agree with them as being "supporters of terrorism," or "freedom haters," or "enemies of democracy."
Accuser/Slanderer? - Check

So was Hugo Chavez right? Did he, in fact, smell sulphur after Bush's speech?
-The preceding was brought to you by countless wasted hours in vacation bible school and church services in my youth. Definitely not what the preachers hoped I would be using scripture to do, I'm sure.-
The Bible often refers to people as Satan or the Devil.
The enemies of King Solomon were called Satan
King David was described as the "Satan" of the Philistines
Jesus called Peter "Satan" when Peter contradicted him
Jesus called Judas "Devil" before Judas betrayed him
Paul warns people reading his epistles not to be "Devils" or slanderers.
The Bible says the Devil:
Is a deceiver: GW has no problem deceiving the American people on any number of issues from his alcohol and cocaine abuse in his "youth" (mid 40's and early 50's) to illegal wire-taps and torture facilities. This Administration fabricated evidence that led American's to belive that a war was necessary.
Deceiver? - Check
Is the eroder of nations: Despite his talk, Afghanistan, Iraq, and even the United States is weaker as a result of his perpetual warmongering.
Eroder? - Check
Is violent: Jesus was quoted as saying "The kingdom. . . suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." Bush's 1% policy and pre-emptive strikes against any country that could possible pose a threat at any time in any conceivable future is pretty forceful.
Violent? - Check
Is an Accuser and Slanderer: Geedub and this administration, are consistently accusing anyone that doesn't agree with them as being "supporters of terrorism," or "freedom haters," or "enemies of democracy."
Accuser/Slanderer? - Check

So was Hugo Chavez right? Did he, in fact, smell sulphur after Bush's speech?
-The preceding was brought to you by countless wasted hours in vacation bible school and church services in my youth. Definitely not what the preachers hoped I would be using scripture to do, I'm sure.-
Monday, September 18, 2006
Allah VS. Jesus; The Grudge Match
I've noticed that when people say I am violent, if I punch them in the throat then they tend to change their opinion.
The best way to prove that abortion is murder is to kill the doctors.
The best way to prove the Pope wrong is to react violently; burn churches, call out a few more fatwas to destroy Western cultures, threaten to kill all infidels. That will definitely convince people that you are civilized.
The best way to prove that abortion is murder is to kill the doctors.
The best way to prove the Pope wrong is to react violently; burn churches, call out a few more fatwas to destroy Western cultures, threaten to kill all infidels. That will definitely convince people that you are civilized.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Stop the Mexicans at the Border
I am with all the patriots and Minute Men on this one.
The Mexicans come into MY COUNTRY and steal all of the good dishwashing, housecleaning, and fruit picking jobs from able body Americans looking to make a great livable wage of $5.15 and hour. Now I find out that they are trying to steal our thunder by having the first known writing in the Western Hemisphere!!?
When will it stop? These peoples South of the border are troublesome. Mr Bush? Mr Cheney? Why, oh why, won't you make a real concerted effort to stop these people before they strike again? Just a couple of suggestions here:
-Maybe we could lower the minimum to something less appealing. That would disincentize them from coming here and stealing our good jobs.
-Maybe we could bomb the hell out of them and destroy these "historical artifacts," that would keep any more of these embarrassing discoveries from popping up.
I'm just looking out for the interests of all real Americans.
The Mexicans come into MY COUNTRY and steal all of the good dishwashing, housecleaning, and fruit picking jobs from able body Americans looking to make a great livable wage of $5.15 and hour. Now I find out that they are trying to steal our thunder by having the first known writing in the Western Hemisphere!!?
When will it stop? These peoples South of the border are troublesome. Mr Bush? Mr Cheney? Why, oh why, won't you make a real concerted effort to stop these people before they strike again? Just a couple of suggestions here:
-Maybe we could lower the minimum to something less appealing. That would disincentize them from coming here and stealing our good jobs.
-Maybe we could bomb the hell out of them and destroy these "historical artifacts," that would keep any more of these embarrassing discoveries from popping up.
I'm just looking out for the interests of all real Americans.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Nevermind the Hand... or the Cookie Jar!

IAEA protests "erroneous" U.S. report on Iran
Is Iran attempting to produce nuclear weapons? I don't know but neither does the Bush administration. They say they do know but, let's look at the track record of this administration in the Middle East. Anybody else hear the cries of "wolf?"
Unfortunately its just way too easy to look at life and politics as mere sound bites. Why else did half the US population vote for the failed son of a failed President, not once but twice (yes, I know that the elections are disputable but get over it. At this point it is a done deal).
The methods politicians use are simple, scare Americans shitless about some unforeseen threat and you can get them worked into an irrational frenzy willing to overlook any trace of common sense. The Russians, the Iranians, the Afghanis. . .
Look Geedub, If you are truly concerned over America's "addiction" to oil doesn't it make sense to free up some of the oil and research some alternatives? Nuclear energy is a viable alternative. Besides, what do you care? If Iran develops nuclear weapons (most experts agree that at a good clip it would still be 15-20 years off) Iran is a Shia country and they would probably just kill off all the Sunni's anyway. Hell half your "mission" would really be accomplished at that point.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Alas Poor Erwin, I Knew Him Not So Well
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Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!
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