The Bible often refers to people as Satan or the Devil.
The enemies of King Solomon were called Satan
King David was described as the "Satan" of the Philistines
Jesus called Peter "Satan" when Peter contradicted him
Jesus called Judas "Devil" before Judas betrayed him
Paul warns people reading his epistles not to be "Devils" or slanderers.
The Bible says the Devil:
Is a deceiver: GW has no problem deceiving the American people on any number of issues from his alcohol and cocaine abuse in his "youth" (mid 40's and early 50's) to illegal wire-taps and torture facilities. This Administration fabricated evidence that led American's to belive that a war was necessary.
Deceiver? - Check
Is the eroder of nations: Despite his talk, Afghanistan, Iraq, and even the United States is weaker as a result of his perpetual warmongering.
Eroder? - Check
Is violent: Jesus was quoted as saying "The kingdom. . . suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." Bush's 1% policy and pre-emptive strikes against any country that could possible pose a threat at any time in any conceivable future is pretty forceful.
Violent? - Check
Is an Accuser and Slanderer: Geedub and this administration, are consistently accusing anyone that doesn't agree with them as being "supporters of terrorism," or "freedom haters," or "enemies of democracy."
Accuser/Slanderer? - Check

So was Hugo Chavez right? Did he, in fact, smell sulphur after Bush's speech?
-The preceding was brought to you by countless wasted hours in vacation bible school and church services in my youth. Definitely not what the preachers hoped I would be using scripture to do, I'm sure.-
It's about time that someone pointed this devil out.
Dear e sciaroni:
Yep, just doing my job. Jerry Falwell feels compelled to point out that Hillary R. is "Lucifer" so I'm just helping him find the rest of the devils in politics... oh wait does he have a mirror by chance?
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