All of my student loans are consolidated through the federal Direct Loan program. At first I thought this was a good idea but after dealing with a new and exciting level of incompetence I have second, third and even ten thousandth guesses.
I am in the habit of paying my bills early, but as a result I got tagged last month for a "missed payment." I paid one of my student loan bills 3 business days early (on the 3rd of the month) and the next one 5 business days early (on the 30th). According to the loan folks I didn't make a payment this month but, in their definition, two last month.
Are you following? - I sure as hell don't. I called to figure out why the resulting balance this month is more than it was last month and they said I missed this month's payment; even though they do show the two payments. The interest compounds daily and "technically" I have 40 days without a payment so that is why I owe more on my loan today than I did 45 days ago. The customer service guys all stonewalled me. I have talked with three separate representatives for a total of 2 hours. No resolution and no recourse. The FSA is probably the most uncooperative group of assholes since those cops in Guadalajara, at least that just cost me twenty bucks and night of shame, at these (interest) rates I have another 30+ years of shame.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Bring on Summer

Don't tell my wife but I have the hots for the collective Jack and Meg unit.
. . . So pasty, so pale, so good when it touches your lips.
The new Spoon album is coming out around the same time and sounds like it might cause Dirt to celebrate in joyous revelry as well.
I am going to have a busy summer reading Harry Potter and rocking my socks off.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Do Unto Others
I wouldn't have a problem with the price of gas if it was a legitimate reflection of cost and revenue. What I have a problem with is the amount of profits that the oil industry continue to make while it jacks the cost of fuel up: especially since the oil companies take government subsidies to augment their profits. Republicans get their collective diapers in a wad concerning welfare and immigration, saying that it is a drain to our economy. However, they whole heartedly support business subsidies for companies that, not only don't need them, but don't deserve them.
According to the most conservative US Government estimates, our taxes contributed over $14 billion dollars last year to the profit margins of oil industries in the form of research, development, exploration and distribution incentives. What are they giving back? They have their largest profit percentages ever and give us higher and higher gas prices.
By comparison the most liberal estimates (from the Center for Immigration Studies - a conservative "non-partisan" think-tank) put illegal immigration cost at around $10 billion (a huge chunk of that was INS enforcement costs). Like it or not, illegal immigrants are giving back. They help keep the costs low at that hotel you just stayed at, they help provide the inexpensive produce you just ate, and they just cleaned your local Wal-Mart and about 98% of all the other businesses in your area.
But, hey! I have a great idea. Let's build a fence to keep those dirty immigrants out, and give a ton of cash to the wealthiest of the wealthy to trickle back down to the rest of us. Hmmm, now that's some good economy.
According to the most conservative US Government estimates, our taxes contributed over $14 billion dollars last year to the profit margins of oil industries in the form of research, development, exploration and distribution incentives. What are they giving back? They have their largest profit percentages ever and give us higher and higher gas prices.
By comparison the most liberal estimates (from the Center for Immigration Studies - a conservative "non-partisan" think-tank) put illegal immigration cost at around $10 billion (a huge chunk of that was INS enforcement costs). Like it or not, illegal immigrants are giving back. They help keep the costs low at that hotel you just stayed at, they help provide the inexpensive produce you just ate, and they just cleaned your local Wal-Mart and about 98% of all the other businesses in your area.
But, hey! I have a great idea. Let's build a fence to keep those dirty immigrants out, and give a ton of cash to the wealthiest of the wealthy to trickle back down to the rest of us. Hmmm, now that's some good economy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Vengence is Mine Sayeth the Lord
Television evangelist Falwell dies at 73
After all of his stupid comments about the World Trade Center, Hurricane Katrina, tornados and the like being god’s punishment for people accepting homosexuals, I wonder why god had to kill him?
After all of his stupid comments about the World Trade Center, Hurricane Katrina, tornados and the like being god’s punishment for people accepting homosexuals, I wonder why god had to kill him?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Imperial Voice of the Big G

These democrats just don't get it. . . don't they understand it would be so much simpler to roll over and play dead (like a good republican) for the dick-n-bush administration?
Sheesh! Why do they insist on trying to pass legislation that is just going to get vetoed anyway?
House Pushes New War Funds Bill Bush Would Veto
Thus sayeth the lord, "duh, people, I did make him the 'commander guy', get off his back! Meanwhile you'll have to excuse me whilst I demolish small rural towns in Kansas as punishment for yall's debauchery and moral decline (and you know who you are democrats!)."
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Body Says 60, Mouth Says 6
It's good to see that the "decider" is making such stalwart efforts to tie us all together. His response for vetoing the spending bill. . .
"As you know, my position is clear – I'm the commander guy."
Why does the 60 year old GeeDub sound like a 6 year old playing with his friends in a sandbox?
"No, it's my turn to be the commander guy! You always get to be the commander guy, Karl!"
Any wonder that the rest of the world respects us so much? American leadership at its best.
"As you know, my position is clear – I'm the commander guy."
Why does the 60 year old GeeDub sound like a 6 year old playing with his friends in a sandbox?
"No, it's my turn to be the commander guy! You always get to be the commander guy, Karl!"
Any wonder that the rest of the world respects us so much? American leadership at its best.
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