According to the most conservative US Government estimates, our taxes contributed over $14 billion dollars last year to the profit margins of oil industries in the form of research, development, exploration and distribution incentives. What are they giving back? They have their largest profit percentages ever and give us higher and higher gas prices.
By comparison the most liberal estimates (from the Center for Immigration Studies - a conservative "non-partisan" think-tank) put illegal immigration cost at around $10 billion (a huge chunk of that was INS enforcement costs). Like it or not, illegal immigrants are giving back. They help keep the costs low at that hotel you just stayed at, they help provide the inexpensive produce you just ate, and they just cleaned your local Wal-Mart and about 98% of all the other businesses in your area.
But, hey! I have a great idea. Let's build a fence to keep those dirty immigrants out, and give a ton of cash to the wealthiest of the wealthy to trickle back down to the rest of us. Hmmm, now that's some good economy.

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