I got back into the states on Saturday; Chicago. HOLY F^@K !!! There is nobody that is going to convince me that we, the entire country, have a genetic predisposition towards obesity while the whole of Europe doesn't.
What we have are suburbs and highways. Rarely does anyone walk or bike anywhere. We sit in a car and drive. When we get "there" we sit on our collective asses waiting to turn around and head home to do some more ass-sitting in front of the TV.
I need to go for a walk with my wife.

Yet somehow with my 30-60 minutes of walking a day (no suburbs for me!) & my 2 days a week at the gym I'm *still* gaining weight. Belly! What is your problem?!
(P.S. It could be the bakery I discovered. Or PhD stress...)
Oh yeah, and do you know where you'll be in the summer? I'm thinking I may be in Florence for a month, if all works out okay. But maybe Spain or London too. Regardless, if you're in Europe we should meet up. (I'm a poet & I didn't even know it!)
Dear Rachel;
Yes the belly helly. Me too, me too.
We should be done mapping most of Western Europe by then so I am guessing I'll probably be in either Scandinavia or working my way East through Poland, Croatia, Romania and the rest. Ahh, the formal Soviet block; how I love thee so.
I'm actually thinking Vietnam at this point, although I won't probably know for a month or two.
we are glad you're back! when can we see you to make sure you're real?
You may have noticed that the Spanish diet consists mainly of processed foods like, Kraft Mac & Cheese, and Betty Crocker Instant Mashed Taters - Roasted Garlic flavored. Wow! While we Americans eat fresh foods like Mickey D's and all those street market goodies. Then there's the Wine v Beer difference. They need to stop drinking that Lite Beer from Miller. It ain't that lite.
Cortes would be ashamed!
Dear Melissa
I am trying out an old Spanish diet I heard about:
-two parts Inquisition
-one part scurvy
shake well and consume.
Ahh the pleasure of emaciation.
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