I loathe legacies. British royalty or American royalty it is all the same; some undeserving clown riding the coattails of their predecessor without any real validity to their position. To me it doesn't matter if it is the Bush family, the Romney family, or the Clintons.
Sure we knew the Clintons we a marriage of convenience to consolidate power but the transparency of the family ambition lately is just icky.
So my 2 cents?
Hey, Bill Clinton shut your fat trap and let your wife dig the democrats' grave by herself!
oh dirte, you are a wise man. if only our fellow countrymen (and women) could hear your words...
Ain't it sad? As a candidate Bill chose his words carefully under the guidance of Carville and co. Hillary's strategists need to put a muzzle on Bill.
Anyhoo...there's much to ponder about our next beloved leader in chief:
If Hillary wins the primaries, will she take O'Bama as her running mate?
If Baraq wins, will he choose Billary?
These two must consider the assassination factor: What wingnut would assassinate a female prez only to leave a horrible NEGRO to take the helm?
Or, what wingnut in his right leaning mind would pop off the NEGRO to leave some liberal skank to run the good ol' red, off white and blue?
And you know, there's two asses in every assassination. I swear I've never used that word so much.
You believe me, don'tcha? ;)
Ah shucks! We'll know in a year.
Dear j peters;
Enough monkeys with typewriters will eventually say something worthwhile; or at least write a Shakespeare play.
Dear Melissa;
...and then there is the whole issue of caliber, hand gun vs. rifle, grenade or exploding vest. Or maybe just beating the both of them with some rolled up, fundamentalist, holy book.
XOXO dirt
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