Anyone that honestly thinks that small town Americans are /NOT/ "bitter" or they don't "cling to guns or religion" is out of touch.
When was the last time Clinton or McCain had a conversation with anyone outside of Washington DC? I live in small town America, I see more NRA stickers and Jesus fish on cars than hub caps.
You tell me these folks aren't bitter about the state of the economy? They aren't bitter about the amount of family members killed in Iraq?
Wake up and come back to reality.
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Dear TV,
I have for years thought you were likable as well. You, Mr. TV, have been to me as a second family; in fact, maybe, a first family. I receive your hug with open arms.
Bring Mrs. Radio over next Sunday and we’ll do a family brunch.
First I was going to comment on this post, then read the comments and laughed very hard. Now I'm as confused if I should reply to the comments or comment on how I have been equally confused about why people made such a big deal about the "bitter" situation.
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