McCain has just got that most successful woman, Carly Fiorina, to endorse him. Just because she is a woman does not mean this is the type of person you want to endorse you, John. Fiorina tried, rather valiantly, to bankrupt HP until the board of directors finally had enough and ousted her. By embracing her endorsement McCain continues to show what a fiscal imbecile he is.
Some of McCain's other ideas of good fiscal policy:
-Continued tax breaks for the wealthiest 5% (gotta love the trickle down)
-Free and unregulated commodity trading -including oil (speculation trading ='s high prices? Nah!)
-Corporate bailouts and tax breaks for mortgage lenders and petroleum companies but no help for individuals
-Continued financing of a $12 billion dollar a month war and a defense budget of over $700 billion a year meanwhile rejecting education spending and welfare spending that, combined, would amount to less than 1/3 of the total defense expenditures
What happened to the "fiscal conservatives?" Even the "tax and spend" democrats aren't that shortsighted.
I am a fiscal conservative.
If I don't have it, I don’t spend it.
What I do have I conserve as much as possible and save it just in case I need it for an emergency.
I don’t go and buy swamp land in Arizona or beach front property in Kansas or a war in Iraq for that matter.
the swampland i purchased in arizona is really nice. you should totally reconsider.
Conservative ideology leaves cracks where cretins seep through to take advantage of corporate wellfare. It happened to the Whigs, the Democratic Republican party splintered because of greed, and hopefully it's happening because of Reaganomics. Breaks for the middle class have always trickled down to those with a product to sell, never vice-versa.
On the other hand: American companies are given tax breaks and are creating hundreds of thousands of jobs...
in foreign lands.
Dear J Peters;
Can you get me a good exchange rate? I have switched to the Hungarian Forint; it is much more stable for real estate purchases.
Dear Greco-Roman;
Do I understand you correctly, you are saying that the middle class support the wealthy!?? Hold on a minute while I make a call. . . Ah yes, please expect a visit from the treasury department, and enjoy your time in Guantanamo for those traitorous comments.
XOXO dirt
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