Say the name Sarah Palin and two words now come to mind:
Pandering and Gimmick
John, Please!? You call Barack's credentials into question?
Palin's political qualifications:
-4 years on city council and 4 years as mayor in a town of approximately 7,000 people
-under 2 years as governor of a state with a total population less than Columbus Ohio.
Palin's religious qualifications:
She is a "proud" member of the Assemblies of God. This religious denomination is the same Holy Roller fundamentalist group that brought us Jim/Tammy Fae Baker and Jimmy Swaggart. This genre of fundies also includes:
-Ted Haggart (the anti-gay, gay meth-head)
-Oral (give me 8 million or God's gonna kill me) Roberts
-Pat Robertson (700 club)
-James Dobson (unfocused on the family)
-Operation rescue, etc, etc.
These folks believe abortion is murder and should be outlawed but see no problem killing innocent Iraqi's -killing innocents is a by-product of a good war (unless it is abortion and then it is a war on the doctors and it is OK to kill a doctor to save a baby). Plus, killing the sand dwellers is not bad since muslims are godless heathens. And while I'm on the subject of killing in general, they wholey (or holy as the case may be) support the death penalty.
Palin's educational qualifications:
Sarah has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from that highly prestigious school, University of Idaho.
So to recap it looks like John chose her because:
a. She has never dealt with populations greater than the Denver metro area (the Denver Metro area is actually 3x's bigger than she has ever had to handle) so she makes him look very qualified in comparison
b. She brings in the Conservative Christian Wacko vote
c. Her degree insures she can talk real pretty-like
d. She doesn't have a penis or any dark skin pigmentation and therefore appeals to the "Hilary" supporters
E. People will focus on her instead of him in the photo sessions (that also explains John's Stepford Wife)
Good fishin' John!
that's exactly what ricky said this afternoon. really.
Dear J Peters:
It shouldn't be a surprise that Ricky said exactly that. He is not only smart and wise beyond his years, he co-authors all of my blogs. OK, with the exception of the offensive ones I am his nom-de'plume.
XOXO -dirt
Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama.
Let the Democrats chew on that little fact.
Dear john galt:
No she's not, infinity!
Nanny nanny boo hoo!
XOXO dirt
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