Jenn and I have gotten ourselves into a mortgage. We completed the transaction on Friday (Dec 8). SCARY!!! In a mere 30 years, we will have our house and student loans paid off. Joy!
I am pretty surprised at how smoothly things went for us. We had more than a few factors working against us.
1. We don't make much money. A school teacher and a guy working a half assed job making considerably less than a teacher are not what you would call incentives for a lending company.
2. The only loan at our disposal was through the Veterans Administration and they are really strict about how they assess houses. Basically if the house's list price is more than the appraisal (all too common) they won't approve the loan.
3. The house was a foreclosure. So, dealing with fanny mae (the owners of almost all foreclosed houses from what I understand) is a long tedious ball of governmental redtape.
4. It was cold and snowy last week. . . that has nothing to do with the house, I'm just seeing if you are paying attention.
The only hitch in the house situation is the on-going struggle with the apartment complex. If any of you recall, the apartment complex we are living in is managed by a bunch of tools. They are making it very, very difficult for us to do the things we need to do (legally) to get out of the lease. They require 60 days written notice but they refused to accept my notice when I took it in to them. I tried to send a copy registered mail and they rejected that too. I finally had to track down the corporate addresses for the managing company and the owner and send them copies of the notice that we are moving out. And, I haven't even gotten to the list of fees they want us to pay which effectively comes out to more than what the lease is worth if we just keep paying rent. Luckily, most everything they are doing is illegal so we are covered, just inconvenienced.
So anyway, we have a nice house now to call our own. Who wants to come visit?
*it will probably be a few more weeks before I get another chance to rant, so to all: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Festive Kwanza or whatever the hell else occupies your cash flow this time of year.
XOXO -Dirt
Congratulations, Dirt! What a cute place you've got there. Oh, I'm so jealous... David & I have been house hunting for over a year now. Maybe in another ten years, I can post our "first home" entry on my blog, LOL!
I'm pleased to say that I got to visit the new house (and its owners) this weekend, and it's absolutely beautiful. Congratulations, Dirt and Jenn! You have a wonderful new home, and I'm really happy for you.
congrats on signing your life away. sucker! we can't wait to see the place (oh and you and jenn) next week. see you soon...
Me again - would you happen to have an address at this new house, where I could mail a Christmas greeting to you & yours? If so, could you email it to me at my "public" address:
I realized as I was writing out cards this afternoon that my address book is now outdated... alas, delays, delays - as if I'm not far enough behind already. :-)
PS You are welcome to my "private" address as well, but I am unable to post it online... for safety-sake. I don't want any conservative-haters to stalk us, you know... since they've nothing better to do with their time???
PSS or PPS, whichever it is - the last line of the last PS was just a joke... I'm sure you knew that.
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