Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow Job

It has been a busy month! First it was the closing on the house (yeah!). Next we had a few weeks of visitors (more yeah!!). Throw in 3 snow storms and just at 5 foot of snow here on the ground and things got very interesting.

All the lackeys where I work are required to provide service 24/7 so we don't get days off (even if someone is sick the manager pitches a fit); I worked Christmas and new years (boo!). Since my job is to cater to rich assholes' flying needs the snow storms pushed the phone calls and requested for charter flights through the roof. I was already stressing about my job situation since, to say the least, I hate this one. But, when my manager called up and told me I needed to make it in to work, even though all of the roads (1-25, Hwy 63, parker road etc) were all shut down due to adverse driving conditions during the first storm, I really started hating my job. When the second storm hit I did go into work (despite DOT warnings not to drive). Shortly after I got there he and the rest of the managers went home "because the roads were getting bad" leaving me stuck there for over 24 hours by myself without any relief (because the roads were closed again the other lackeys, like myself, couldn't make it in either). When he did finally show up I didn't even get a "thanks for covering our ass" instead his comment was, "we need to get you to move closer so we don't have to deal with you missing work again because the roads get a little dicey." WTF!? I really have to get another job.


Anonymous said...

What an intelligent and responsible boss you are blessed with. I'll bet he could be president some day.

DirtE said...

Hi Rudy in fact he is the president of something; I just forgot what. He did commend me and say "you're doing a heck of a job Dirt E!"

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