Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Taking a Leak

Republicans are upset about the "leak." No, not the one involving Lewis Libby and Carl Rove. No, these hypocritical jackasses are mad because somebody leaked information, "classified information," about the US torture chambers abroad (specifically Eastern Europe).
  • GOP Calls for "No More Leaks"

  • The Bush administration is so upset that somebody tattled on them (or maybe just to CYA for the future) that they are requiring all members of the White House staff to attend "ethics" meetings. I guess what they are trying to say is that it is ethical to start wars and kill hundreds of thousands of people by leaking information to discredit a source that says there is no reason to start a war; it is, however, ABSOLUTELY /not/ ok to leak information that exposes the fact that this administration has no ethical/moral grounding, whatsoever. The White House doesn't think it is right for people to expose them as liars and cheats because it cuts in on their job efficiency. How can they carry out their job of destroying the world for their own personal gain if people keep exposing the fact that they are destroying the world.

    Bush endorses family values and Christian morality. Ah, what a stand up guy! You see, the rich white American family value is greed and avarice. Christian morality involves destroying anything that doesn't align with American family values.

    The only difference between this administration and Al Qaeda is the methods they use to destroy their perceived enemy.


    Anonymous said...

    Stupid Liberal Faggot! You are so short sighted that you cant see how Mr Bush is protecting your freedom. Our boys are defending you and you're right to cuss Jesus. But you bunch of faggot lovers dont see that do you?

    Anonymous said...

    Stupid Liberal Faggot! You are so short sighted that you cant see how Mr Bush is protecting your freedom. Our boys are defending you and youre right to cuss Jesus. But you bunch of faggot lovers dont see that do you?

    DirtE said...

    Dear anonymous;
    Thank you for the kind insight. I have decided to change my ways and convert to your side. It is your, oh so convincing use of the English language, and strong rhetorical arguments that will continue to win you support wherever you go.

    Anonymous said...

    cant agree more....the above post is rather funny, yet sad. What does anonymous think hes defending... the right to torture, bomb and destroy lives. And does he seriously think he can persuade people with crappy language and , well , a general lack of integrity.
    I too come from a very religious background and am glad i had the right to walk away from it. I can only assume anonymous had his father beating that kind of propoganda into him. How else could someone be so blind. Jesus and the 'american right-wing christianity' have nothing in common...NOTHING.

    Anonymous said...

    I'll give you a leak!! tough guy! right in the kisser!

    I'm with anonymous. that fellow knows his discount rate. I'm sure he's a manly man, who sweats diesel and watches circle track racing! He understands the meaning of sacrifice, as long as it doesn't mean sacrificing some poorly made petroleum based polymers in the form of walmart fishin' lures or a big role of brawny paper towels (better be made from 100% virgin old growth ponderosa pine)!

    Now this dirte, something different all together. this guy probably reads books and contemplates whether there is an inherent human condition or not! sucker! keep that filth ridden hedonistic mouth of your shut! How is a god fearing lobbyist, such as myself, working at a prestigious firm like grassroots interactive suppose to make a decent living around here with leftist chattering away. Milquetoast!

    yours truly,
    the grouse

    ps I can set you up with a meeting with the president for roughly 9 million, if your interested?

    DirtE said...

    Dear Passing by:

    Please pass by more often. Ah, the warmth, ah the fuzzies.

    Dearest Grouse:
    I only use (Ramsey)Clark towels since they are made from 100% virgins. No trees involved.
    P.S. I'll see your 9 million and raise you an Artic Wildlife Refuge.

    Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

    The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...