Thursday, May 25, 2006

Poltergeist Vs. Zeitgeist

After months of writing and revisions, tomorrow is it. I turn in my thesis to the defense committee. Good stuff Maynard. My thesis advisor has been a ghost for the last month and a half so I have been doing all the revisions largely with the help of two, very indulgent, friends. We'll see what the committee thinks next week during my defense.

I guess I should qualify the ghost comment . . . my thesis advisor did make herself known long enough to reschedule my defense (yesterday, exactly one week before the defense was originally scheduled). Maybe she isn't a traditional ghost, rather a poltergeist. I can't see her per se but she shows up and starts throwing things around, making a general mess and then she disappears again.

I sort of feel like a bear waking up from hibernation. I haven't seen much of anyone for the last few months. In fact, since before Easter I have only seen Jenn two times. Since she lives, and teaches, in the southern half of the state and I am up here in the north, making the 4 hour back and forth trip while simultaneously trying to get everything finished has been nearly impossible. I'm not sure if I am going to recognize her when we get married (in three weeks). Anyone want to vouch for her?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Be a Jackass, Write to a Horse

The University of Pennsylvania set up an email address for all of you who wish to send your good wishes to Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro. As we /ALL/ know this animal broke its leg during the Preakness. Apparently, along with being a terrific runner (at least while it lasted) this horse also has the amazing ability to read email. I refuse to provide the link so you are going to have to trust me on this one.

In related news, hundreds of people in New York are protesting the health department's rule that doesn't allow them to bring their "emotional support" animals into restaurants and other places of business. ("Wagging the Dog, and a Finger" NewYork Times May 14, 2006)

What the hell is the matter with people!? Our country is removing any vestige of public health care from our government, we keep the minimum wage so low that it is absolutely impossible to pay rent let alone buy an occasional scrap of food, we subsidize big business, go to war over fabricated circumstances and our dutiful citizens are busy writing emails to a fucking horse and complaining that their rat disguised as an 8oz asthma-hound Chihuahua isn't allowed to accompany them to the grocery store!???

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Get Your Peeps on

I am glad that Bush denies spying infringes on privacy. Quite frankly I was wondering how long it was going to be before I could share my spycam picts of his twins with the rest of the world.

Oh yeah and those surveillance pictures I have of his shriveled Viagra laden Cheney, no privacy issue there either. . . Good!

Now, who wants me to listen to their phone conversations? No charge! And since it doesn't infringe on your privacy I will be happy to keep those records and share them with the rest of your family and friends.

How come the assholes in the Bush administration are the only ones that get to have secrets? Of course that is called "executive privilege" and is apparently something entirely different.

Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...