Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You Just Offended the Rich Ruling Class, Now What?

What Kerry said was true, and you'd have to be a rich, out of touch, elite to argue with it. As a former member of the US Army I can tell you first hand you don't get the privileged or the well educated joining the services. Why do you think the rich voted to stop the draft? It wasn't because it was a bad idea (although it is) it was because they could get out of military service and their precious little idiot sons could go get drunk and stoned on National Guard time.

The soldiers in the US military aren't dumb, but they are there because they don't have a future working for their daddies' oil companies or a college trust fund set up in their name. GeeDub and the majority of his republican cronies never served in the military. He hasn't got a clue what the men and women he is sending off to get killed in a fruitless war look like because he has never interacted with the soldier on anything more than a "hi I'm your commander and chief, you WILL love me," level.

The only people "offended" by the Kerry remark are the ones that have never been in the military and are all too happy to say Michael J Fox is faking it for publicity. It is good to know that they would never try to get publicity. If they want to get offended by something maybe it should be the amount of education assistance they offer to students these days or the fact that the US legislature is raising the interest rates on student loans every year and cutting the taxes for the rich. Maybe they should be getting offended that they (the rich elite) put holds on soldiers' ability to finish their military contract and force them to remain in Iraq to get killed. How about getting offended by the amount of poor people that can't get ahead or...Hell I don't know; what about a billion other things that are important in the world?


Laura said...

Sorry to disagree, Dirt - but I got very offended by Kerry's comment. I have two nephews (who are brothers) who just enlisted this year, tempted by the dangling carrot of the promise of an education funded by the US Army (ages 19 & nearly 21)... so, yes, I guess he would call them uneducated, but that's why they joined - to get an eduation and better themselves.

I pray that they don't get killed in the process - one deploys in less than a month to Taji, the other is convinced he isn't leaving until June, though that isn't the final word.

Kerry was an idiot to say what he did the other day, and no apologies will ever correct his words.

Julie said...

Laura, what you don't realize is that Kerry wasn't talking abut the troops at all when he made the remark about education. His remarks were pointed at Bush--that because Bush hadn't educated himself about Iraq, the country is now stuck there in a disastrous war. You need only listen to the full remarks to understand this. Bush and his supporters took the comments out of context and distorted them. Typical politics, especially for the Republicans.

DirtE said...

Dear spent:
I here by promise to keep my fingers out of my nose and in my ears until after the elections.

Dear Laura:
You have just restated my point /exactly/. That carrot was why I joined the Army. That was also why every one of my friends from the Army joined as well.
The lack of a need for a carrot was why GeeDub(the yellow-belled coward that he is) and the rest of the rich political wanks could avoid service altogether.

All the best to your nephews. I hope this nonsense stops soon and they return safely.

DirtE said...

Oh yeah... XOXO to all!


Laura said...

After reading your follow-up comments, I did finally find the text of Kerry's speech, and his apology to the masses... I realized he was probably just trying to take a jab at the President, and not the brave soldiers who are over their defending lives as they have been ordered to.

So, instead of being offended by his comments, I've now come to the conclusion that if a man can't tell a joke, he should just shut his trap... the joke was still in poor taste, because even Democrats were taking offense to his words. Which, according to the man himself, he screwed up from the original speech (this was read on his official site).

A man in his position needs to choose his words carefully, and then say them properly, or things will surely spiral out of control like they did in this instance. (And as has happened to members of both parties over the years - this isn't just a democrat problem - all the politicians flap their jaws when they shouldn't, even our President.)

And Dirt, I agree that this is pure nonsense... I supported the war when it began, we got Saddam, now I am ticked that we are still over there and losing troops left and right. This didn't come about when my nephews joined up, either - it's been my opinion since about 6 months after they caught the man. What are we still doing over there? It makes no sense - their nation is going to fall apart when we leave, whether we leave today or in 2010 - they don't want peace, we've caught the bad guy - just get out.

DirtE said...

Dear laura

I don't think there are too many people in the entire US, dem, rep or ind. that haven't wished for a mute button to extinguish the droning.


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