Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Don't You Get It, I Don't Want it!


Bush warns Iraqis that patience has limits (headline from Reuters)

Bush starts a war to force the Iraqi people into democracy. They quite obviously were, and are not interested, but Bush wants to "stay the course." Now he is getting pissed at them(stupid freedom haters!)because they are not treating his big favor with due regard?

Did your parents ever buy you something that you really didn't want but they thought would give you responsibility? Let's say, a goldfish when you really wanted a dog or a super cool Gila monster. Your dad kept telling you that you better take things seriously and that goldfish had better not die. It was, after all, your responsibility.

"Screw that friggin' goldfish! Nobody asked me what I wanted."

When the goldfish started getting sick and swimming on its side your dad began to beat you about the head and neck telling you that if you ever wanted to be an adult you were going to have to step up and be responsible. That goldfish was expensive and you were supposed to treat it with respect.

"Screw that friggin GOLDFISH!!"


Anonymous said...

nope. not my dad but he was rational. does that make him a bad dad?

Laura said...

Oh goodness, Dirt, I think I'm agreeing with you on this one. How can that be???

DirtE said...

Dear anonymous;

No your dad isn't bad, just irresponsible.

Dear Laura;

I won't tell if you don't.


Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...