Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Not So Total Recall

Maybe it is my age, or the amount of alcohol I consume/d, but I forget things a lot. I'll pick up a book I haven't read for a couple of years and suddenly remember how much I liked it. I go out with friends (a rare occasion these days with thesis work taking most of my time) and I realize how much they mean to me.

This last weekend I remembered music. I got the chance to see, not one, but two really good shows in a single weekend. The last show I saw was back in, what? September or maybe even August? Friday Night the Matson Jones had their CD release and then Sunday the Living Blue played the 15th Street Tavern. It was really great to see live bands again. The musicians were having a good time, the crowd was having a good time and in the end I realized how insular I have become writing my thesis. Damn, I miss getting out and doing all the stuff I love to do. Good thing I can't remember what those things are, I guess.

1 comment:

DirtE said...

Dear Spentjr,

If I follow you, you are concerned with the intangible nature of the universe. You are asking what it is that puts meaning into life. You are seeking perfect nothingness? Well the answer my friend is Blue, it is living and it is Blue.

xoxo Dirt

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