Thursday, July 13, 2006

Keep It Simple

I keep trying to get rid of my old cell phone. The buttons are temperamental and the headset works only when it feels like it but compared to the new one I got, it is a hell of a lot better.

The new one. . . phone, camera, games, blah blah blah
The old one. . . phone that's about it.

The new one reception. . . blows ass!
The old one reception. . . pretty damned good

The new one sound quality. . . great if you have been deaf your whole life and only recently started hearing sound
The old one sound quality. . . Clear as a bell

As a technology savvy adult I am supposed to embrace new things but geez industry gurus, cut me a break! My 6 year old Ericsson T39 can chew up this POS Samsung E635. Things are supposed to get better with technological advances; at least that is the theory anyway. Is there just too much shit shoved into these stupid things to make them worth their while anymore?

My next phone will be this one:


Anonymous said...

its called research. something you do before you buy

DirtE said...

Dear anonymous:

Wow, yer so smart! It never would have occurred to me to see if my new phone had a 7/10 user rating on CNET or if it was a recommended buy. This research you speak of, oh wise one, tell me more!


Laura said...

hee hee hee... just laughing at your comment from Anonymous. Some people think they know everything...

and I am with you - kicking and screaming for the first four months after getting my new cell phone. Do you know, I connected to the internet four times one month using my cell phone - & I didn't even know I had that capability???? What an expensive lesson to learn.

(And yes, Anonymous, if you read this - I did read the user manual - I didn't know that particularly service was offered a la carte on my service plan.)

Since when did convenience become so complicated...

Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

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