Monday, October 02, 2006

Equal Judgement?

On June 27, 2005 Newt was on NPR saying the following:

"I believe that the world is inherently a very dangerous place, and that things that are now very good can go bad very quickly. . . and I am reminded that it is the quality of leaders, the ability to solve problems that enables us to continue until our children and our grandchildren have this freedom, this safety. . . I realized the gap between our civilization, our prosperity, our freedoms is the quality of our leaders, [and their] willingness to face facts."

It is amazing to me to hear him say now that the republican leadership knew about Foley's proclivities but couldn't do anything about it for fear of "gay bashing" (Oct. 1, 2006, edition of "FOX News Sunday). Now that is some quality leadership there.

Lets see, first of all Gingrich ties pedophiles with homosexuals. Wow good leap there and a common conservative tactic that is a non-sequitur if not a bold face lie. As I recall there has been no less than 5 separate cases of teachers having sex with underage students across the US in the last year. None were homosexual in nature. The majority of sexually predators on the Internet are heterosexual. . . So, how would reprimanding Foley have been gay bashing? Secondly, and really most importantly, why in the world would you protect anybody, gay, straight or mindfully ambiguous of an obvious offense of this nature?

Where is that quality leadership that good 'ol Newt talked about just a few months prior? This is the man that vigorously pursued the impeachment of Clinton for a sex act with an adult, but he calls for "prudence" when talking about disciplining someone enticing minors to have sex!?

"Ahhh, it's good to be the king!"

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