Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back in the Day

Well I have heard that things change when you have a baby and I for one would like to confirm this.

I used to be a staunch proponent of socialism but now, with our tough economic times, I say; "screw ya'll! Every man for himself! I got a baby to take care of and he don't feed himself."

I have had enough "change" bring back the status quo when everything was working just fine and plausible deniability made sure we were /NOT/ in a recession.

Ahh the good 'ol days, Remember how good they were?


jill peters hawley said...

sometimes it's difficult to gauge your sarcasm in print. or am i wrong?

DirtE said...

Dear j peters:
Sarcasm!??? Did you vote for McCain or not? You're either for us or a guiness. Silly liberal, Tax breaks are for the rich.

XOXO dirt

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