Thursday, August 13, 2009

Calling the Kettle White

I am not one to buy into conspiracy theories but here is one I can wrap my head around: The ultra nationalist conservatives and Fundies (read - Limbaugh fans and watchers of Fox news)have organized a concerted effort to deify Bush in order to make the last 8 years look like anything other than a complete disaster.

Cheney says that Bush stopped taking his advice during the second term. Since Cheney is 3rd in line for biggest jerk in the world he is taking a similar stance to Bill Clinton when Gore was running for president. He distances himself to make the other guy look better. Less guilt by less association. In the end a poor leader is still a poor leader no matter how many times the real man in charge says he isn’t.

And since I am still wound up about moronic behavior: Since when is yelling at people a constructive form of argument or debate? Maybe we don’t need as much health care reform as we need education reform, because we sure seem to have a lot of numbskulls in the US.

"It's Amurhi-kkk-a muther f^@&er, not Comunissmika"

I really have no response to that!

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