Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wild Turkey

Thanksgiving came and went. It is easily my favorite holiday. The only expectation is to eat. So, I did. Jenn and I went to my dad's place. His wife did all the cooking and it was great despite one little hitch. Dinner was supposed to be at 1:00pm but for whatever reason the turkey didn't make it into the oven until 11:00am. I'm no expert cook but even I would not expect a 20 pound bird to be finished in 2 hours. When we pulled the thing out of the oven it was still more than just a bit sanguine. Yes, this may be a good case for vegetarianism but I don't give up so easily. I wrapped it back up and by 5:00pm we were ready to eat.

This was only a slight oversight compared to my sister-in-law's dinner this year. She is hands down the worst cook ever. Case in point was her peach cobbler a few years back, it was blue. She didn't use food coloring but whatever she did it turned blue. Blue!? What the hell do you do to a peach to turn it blue? She is the reason that at every church pot-luck people ask, "Did Phylis make this?" I don't think she consciously tries to kill anyone but if she wanted to, it wouldn't be a long stretch. So this year my aunt said Phylis called at around 2:00pm and asked if there was a way to quickly cook a turkey. She had put her turkey in the oven at precisely 8:00am so it would be ready in time. 6 hours later, all of her guests were sitting at the table when she opened up the oven and realized that she never turned it on. Ooops!


Anonymous said...


DirtE said...

Dear Good Cook,

Yes, boring is one method of getting the innards out of a turkey. Your link is insightful and well thought out, however no metion to the boring method is listed so I got a bit confused.


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