Monday, December 12, 2005

Poor Little White Boys

Welcome to the Sydney Race Riots, 2005

Bustin' Heads

You just have to feel sorry for white folk the world over. They come in and jack up countries. They colonialize, rape and pillage. But, just when they think they have things under control colored folk move in next door and make life difficult. The whites don't /want/ to riot, but they /have/ to. What choice do they have? If they don't stop the tide of immigrants who will? Welcome to Cronulla beach, Sydney Australia.

Disaffected youth? Nope, a bunch of privileged, white, assholes drinking beer on the beach. Bored stiff. . . or maybe limp.


Anonymous said...

They're not the privileged. They are the nothing but poor, white, under-educated trash. They are not the majority. They are not representative. Christ, we are not all like this.

DirtE said...

Dear anonymous.

Jackasses are the same everywhere. Here in the United States we call them the Bush administration.

Anonymous said...

Being poor or under educated are not pre-requisites for being trash. Witness Trent Lott and Richard Pombo /shudder.

DirtE said...

Dear anonymous:
Touche! Although Paris Hilton is rich and she’s not trashy. And what about Pat Robertson he has a juris doctor degree from Yale University Law and a master of divinity from New York Theological Seminary; definitely not trashy. Pat Speaks

Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...