Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Use Your Imagination

Why will I never be a creative writer?
I just don't have it in me. I went to the local Albertsons to get some red wine vinegar for a borscht I was making. I picked up a few other necessities but it was the vinegar that caught the purchase process in a new season of weirdness. The guy carded me. Seriously. I was carded for red wine vinegar. Strange at best, who is going to drink that stuff? It would taste nasty even if there wasn't a mess load of salt in it. But, apparently, kids buy it to get drunk. I asked the guy about it and he said there is a whole list of things they have to card for these days; even duct tape. "Ok, duct tape I can kind of understand," I said. I was recalling the scene from The Breakfast Club where Anthony Michael Hall is talking about how his friend had his ass cheeks taped together. Ok, I get that kids and duct tape don't mix. But, I was way off base. The guy explained that kids peel off the duct tape and huff the fumes. What?!? Really! WHAT???

Pot isn't that hard to get. Beer is even easier. They are both cheaper than a roll of duct tape. But I guess I just have no imagination.

Here's to the next generation.
Hunter S. had nothing on you. You guys are going to be the best writers ever.

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