Monday, March 06, 2006

Killing Time

South Dakota's governor just signed legislation to stop almost all abortions because he says the government should protect the "vulnerable and most helpless" in society. The legislation says that life begins at conception and that abortion, therefore, ends a human life. What a complete crock of bullshit.

If the government of South Dakota was really concerned with protecting human life why don't they outlaw sending troops from their state to Iraq? According to Minnesota Public Radio, South Dakota ranks 8th in the US for the sheer numbers of soldiers supplied to the Iraq war. Last time I checked, members of the military are killing people and they are being killed at alarmingly high rates in the Middle East.

What about the death penalty? South Dakota currently has four inmates scheduled to die by execution. By its very definition "death penalty" includes the taking of a human life. Don't give me some half assed excuse that they are trying to protect human life when they are perpetuating the termination of it.

If life is sacred to these hypocritical politicians why do they choose to focus on only certain types of life? As far as I am concerned no life is sacred. Not some ball of fetal matter and not some asshole sitting on death row. But you know what? I am not a legislator passing laws based on politics and not on any real moral convictions.


Anonymous said...

What you fail to recognize is that God, in his infinite wisdom has allowed great men like Roger W. Hunt to protect the future generations of Americans. War is not murder. It has been sanctioned by God in the Bible. Capitol Punishment is not murder either. This too was sanctioned in the Bible. Killing an innocent person, while they are still innocent in the eyes of the Lord is Murder. Paul says in Corinthians that it doesn’t matter if a man has God’s best intentions at heart if he makes a good decision because it will still further God’s aims.

DirtE said...

I'm going to try to follow your logic here
1. War is not murder. . . 1st of all murder is a word derived from old French not Hebrew, so saying that war is sanctioned in the bible and not murder. . . mute point. The exact phrase in Hebrew is "lo tirtzack" Although it is widely misinterpreted, most real Hebrew scholars (not laypeople or non experts like myself) translate that as "Don't kill anything," or "Don't shed any kind of innocent blood." A lot of innocent blood is shed in a war.
2. Capitol punishment and murder I'll go with you on that. Not because the Bible says so but because I am vindictive.
3. Abortion, I don't believe a person is a person until they develop consciousness or self-awareness. A dog is alive and probably innocent by your standards but I wouldn't say it is self-aware in the human sense. Killing dogs might be depravity but murder? I can't say when life begins, but neither can you. I'll call a draw there.
4. Lastly, Hitler's regime gave us some scientific info that has helped in the medical community; optic research, organ transplants, surgical procedures, etc. That information has been used to save countless lives. So, you are telling me your god is ok with the Holocaust since good things came from it? Wow!

You use the bible as a weapon dear "god warrior," but in the end it isn't much of a shield or a sword when you use it to chop tomatoes.


DirtE said...

...PS "god warrior" you suckered me into a misspelling. Its capital not capitol punishment. Kudos to you. Now, what else did you sucker me into?


DirtE said...

Dear Matt:

Do you remember the death bed conversion of serial killer Ted Bundy? Well god forgave the poor boy just before he was put to death. You see, the death penalty creates converts in more ways than one. That must be why the "warrior" says god sanctions it. Can't you just imagine the confusion of one the innocent women Bundy raped and murdered as she is hanging out, minding her own business in heaven and Ted comes waltzing up to her.


Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...