Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hello Goodbye

We fondly bid you adieu, John. Your hair shall remain a constant and enduring memory in our minds and hearts. I just wish I could get your damnable twangy voice from echoing in my head.

John Edwards
Presidential candidate: 2004-2004
Vice presidential candidate: 2004-2004
Resurrected from the dead: 2007
Dead again: 2008


Anonymous said...

Poor poor John. Hair dressers across the nation are saddened at his sudden departure. Vidal Sassoon wept.

DirtE said...

Dear Melissa,

Saddened? Maybe even suicidal.


Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

The Delusional calling on a “god” to stop the delusion. The Ouroboros is eating it’s tail again. "Televangelist Pat Robertson is pray...