Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Stopping the Madness

Senate Republicans are taking credit for blocking the current version of the stimulus package. They say that the added $40 billion over the next 2 years that would benefit the likes of the elderly, unemployed and homeless is a reckless waste. Boy, are they right! That reckless waste is almost (not quite, but almost) four whole months of war funding. Why waste money on the lazy homeless, the lazy unemployed, and the lazy old wrinkly folk when there are the industrious likes of Blackwater and Haliburton needing that money?

Good for you senators! Stop that wasteful spending!

2007 federal spending:
Defense: $654 Billion (not including emergency war spending: an additional $130 Billion)
Education: $102 Billion (2006 spending was $127 Billion)
Welfare: $254 Billion

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Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

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