Friday, June 29, 2007

America the Beautiful

In the check out. . .

Guy number one is standing in line at the self checkout line and a second guy pushing a five year old kid in a cart maneuvers in front of the first guy. The first guy moved back in front of the second guy and then the second guy pushes his cart back in front of the 1st guy

Guy 1. Dude! There's a line!

Guy 2. I know and you just cut in it.

G1. You pushed your cart in front of me twice, are you blind?

G2. What ever! Way to be an asshole!

G1. Wow! Nice language. Way to set a good example for your boy.

. . . brief pause

G2. Way to be human, man!

G1. Thanks, maybe you'll get there someday.

G2. Well I'm way ahead of you.

G1. True, too bad it's all your weight.


Anonymous said...

I'll have to give the contest to G1, even though G2 got ahead in line.

G2. Oh yeah?

Melissa. Yeah.

G2. Oh yeah?

Melissa. Yeah!

G2's son. Bugar head!

DirtE said...

Dear Melissa:

Way to be a human!



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