Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oh the Pain

. . . DSL modem broke. Stop

No I-net at home. Stop

Yearly bone break yesterday. Stop

Big toe, spiral fracture. . . STOP!!!


spackle said...

Stop is right! Sorry to hear about the toe. The day after we got to Ohio I slammed my thumb in a car door. As it swelling up and getting purple Rachel actually said to me, "At least it isn't as bad as Dirt's."

I got lucky too because I didn't have to fish the keys out of my pocket with the opposite hand, I just reflexively jerked my hand back and it was able to pop free.

In better news though, sorry for the horrible delay, but Happy Anniversary to you two. :)

spackle said...

This sentence sounds bad enough IN context, but out of context.. sheesh!

"As it swelling up and getting purple Rachel actually said to me, 'At least it isn't as bad as Dirt's.'"

Anonymous said...

OUCH, not the big toe! I hurt just thinking about it. You can't walk when your big toe is achin'. Quick AMPUTATE.

DirtE said...

Dear Matt,
I think Jenn has been spreading rumors about me again. Tell Rachel not to listen to her.

Dear Melissa
Thanks for the fine and productive thoughts. The amputation went well but now I keep falling over. Suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Try carrying your wallet on the other side.

Please, Jesus, Save Me from Myself!

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